Department of Engineering and Technology
Department of Engineering & Technology offers degree pathways (2+2) in collaboration with Massey University. Upon the successful completion of first two years at GISM Campus, students will earn the Higher Diploma in Engineering and will be able to directly enter to the third year of the relevant degree programme at Massey University New Zealand.
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Electronic & computer Engineering
The Bachelor of Engineering (Electronics and Computer Engineering) will help you become an excellent electronic and computer engineer. You will be multi-disciplinary, have excellent practical skills and be able to design, develop and manage both software and hardware projects. You will be capable of working in a team environment and solving problems from the device level to networks, communication systems and embedded systems.
Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) Mechatronics
Department of Engineering & Technology offers degree pathways (1+2) in collaboration with Massey University. Upon the successful completion of first year at GISM Campus, students will earn the Diploma in Information Technology and will be able to directly enter to the second year of the relevant degree programme at Massey University New Zealand.
Bachelor of Information Sciences
Massey is one of the few universities in New Zealand where your information sciences qualification covers all five disciplines of computer science, information technology, Information systems, Data Science and software engineering. You’ll learn a broad spectrum of skills from business management through to developing software and hardware. So you’ll emerge from your studies at Massey with a well-rounded understanding of the whole industry, as well as with the specialist skills that you’ll need to become an excellent ICT professional.
Engineering Degree Pathways
Information Sciences Degree & Graduate Pathways
Diplomas & Certificate Courses
Diploma in Information Technology
Diploma in Mechatronics & Automation
Certificate in Web design & Development
Certificate in Information Communication Technology
Certificate in Graphic Design & Photoshop
Our Faculty Members
Students will be guided by a well-qualified and experiences panel of lecturers consisting of engineers in the relevant disciplines and other professionals directly relevant to the chosen stream. Most of the lecturers are PhD or MSc qualified with years of teaching experiences both in Sri Lanka and abroad.

Prof GG Senaratne
President & Head of Dept Engineering/ GISM Campus
PhD (Massey, NZ), MSc (UK)
Former Academic member, Massey University NZ
Visiting Prof Electronics and Communication, Sharda University, India

Dr. Amal Punchihewa
Senior Lecture/Visiting – Principles of Electrical and Electronics - GISM
PhD (Massey, NZ), MEEng (TUE, the Netherlands), BSc Eng. (Hons) Chartered Professional Engineer (CEng UK), Fellow IET (UK) Fellow (Engineering NZ) Ret. STEM & Wonder Project Ambassador of Engineering NZ Chair of Engineering New Zealand – Manawatu Branch Deputy Chair IET NZ Wellington and South Island

Dr. Ruchire Eranga Wijesinghe
Senior Lecture/Visiting – Mathematics for Engineers, Analog electronics, Signals and Systems/GISM
B.Sc (Kyungpook National University, S.Korea), Ph.D (Kyungpook National University, S.Korea)
Senior Lecturer (Grade II) – University of Sri Jayawardenapura

Dr. Pasan Maduranga
Senior Lecture/Visiting – Embedded System/GISM
Lecturer, Department of Computer Engineering
Coordinator - Industrial Training
Researcher, Senior Member IEEE, C.Eng(UK)

Dr. Chathurie Niluka Nupearachchi
Senior Lecture/Visiting – Engineering Principles
B.Sc, Ph.D (OUSL) Senior Lecturer – Open University of Sri Lanka Researcher, speaker, writer, STEM activist and education

Mr. Thilina R Payagala
Academic Co-coordinator of GISM – Engineering
Lecturer – Engineering, Mathematics and ICT at GISM
BSc. (Hons) Engineering Physics (UOC)
MSc. in Telecommunication (UOM - Reading)
Former Assistant Lecturer (UOC)